┌1A. | Plants without adherent climbing stems .. 2
│ | ┌2A. | Leaves entire, with or without perforations .. 3
│ | │ | ┌3A. | Leaf base cordateCordate:
.. 4
│ | │ | │ | ┌4A. | Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
thinly coriaceousCoriaceous: Resembling or having the texture of leather.
.. 5
│ | │ | │ | │ | ┌5A. | Petiolar sheath extending almost to apicalApical: Of, relating to, or denoting an apex.
geniculum. Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
, often with perforations. Stems smooth (P. R. China (incl. Hainan), N Vietnam) .. 📌1. Amydrium hainanense
│ | │ | │ | │ | ├5B. | Petiolar sheath short, often not exceeding basalBasal: Forming or belonging to a bottom layer or base.
geniculum, never extending more than half way along petiolePetiole: Leaf stem.
. Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
various. Stems various .. 6
│ | │ | │ | │ | │ | ┌6A. | Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
mostly ovateOvate:
, never with perforations. Stems rough (P. R. China, N Vietnam) .. 📌4. Amydrium sinense
│ | │ | │ | │ | │ | └6B. | Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
broadly ovateOvate:
to oblongOblong:
, occasionally with a few perforations. Stems smooth (Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam?, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines, Maluku) .. 📌3. Amydrium medium
│ | │ | │ | │ | │ | └4B. | Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
thickly coriaceousCoriaceous: Resembling or having the texture of leather.
(Peninsular Malaysia; Sumatra) .. 📌2. Amydrium humile
│ | │ | │ | │ | │ | └3B. | Leaf base rounded to cuneateCuneate:
(P.R. China, N Vietnam) .. 📌4. Amydrium sinense
│ | ├2B. | Leaves variously divided, with or without perforations .. 7
│ | │ | ┌7A. | Leaf pinnatipartitePinnatipartite: Having lobes with incisions that extend more than half-way toward the midrib.
to pinnatisectPinnatisect: Having lobes with incisions that extend almost, or up to midrib.
, never perforateForate: With aperatures or openings.
d (Philippines, Sulawesi,Maluku, New Guinea) .. 📌5. Amydrium zippelianum
│ | │ | └7B. | Leaf pinnatifidPinnatifid:
to pinnatipartitePinnatipartite: Having lobes with incisions that extend more than half-way toward the midrib.
, almost always perforateForate: With aperatures or openings.
d (Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam?, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines, Maluku) .. 📌3. Amydrium medium
├1B. | Plants with adherent climbing stems .. 8
│ | ┌8A. | ApicesApices: Plural of apex. End forming a point.
of adherent stems with copious net-like fibres; leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
various, often exceeding 75 cm in length; (Philippines, Sulawesi, Maluku, New Guinea) .. .. 📌5. Amydrium zippelianum
│ | ├8B. | ApicesApices: Plural of apex. End forming a point.
of adherent stems without net-like fibres, although cataphyllCataphyll: A reduced, small leaf. Usually used to describe a modified leaf which lacks a blade and in appearance corresponds to a petiole sheath.
s sometimes degrading into weak, free fibres or if net-like fibres present then laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
segments drooping; leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
, usually not exceeding 50 cm, if longer then with net-like fibres and usually drooping segments .. 9
│ | │ | ┌9A. | Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
entire, much perforateForate: With aperatures or openings.
d (P. R. China (incl. Hainan), N Vietnam) ? .. 📌1. Amydrium hainanense
│ | │ | ├9B. | Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
not as above .. 10
│ | │ | │ | ┌10A. | Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
entire, never perforateForate: With aperatures or openings.
d (P. R. China, N Vietnam) .. 📌4. Amydrium sinense
│ | │ | │ | ├10B. | Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
, pinnatipartitePinnatipartite: Having lobes with incisions that extend more than half-way toward the midrib.
or pinnatisectPinnatisect: Having lobes with incisions that extend almost, or up to midrib.
, perforateForate: With aperatures or openings.
d or not .. 11
│ | │ | │ | │ | ┌11A. | Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
pinnatisectPinnatisect: Having lobes with incisions that extend almost, or up to midrib.
or pinnatipartitePinnatipartite: Having lobes with incisions that extend more than half-way toward the midrib.
, never perforateForate: With aperatures or openings.
d, segments usually drooping, laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
often exceeding 75 cm in length; plants with copious netlike fibres at the apicesApices: Plural of apex. End forming a point.
of adherent shoots; (Philippines, Sulawesi, Maluku, New Guinea) .. 📌5. Amydrium zippelianum
│ | │ | │ | │ | └11B. | Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
or pinnatipartitePinnatipartite: Having lobes with incisions that extend more than half-way toward the midrib.
, almost always perforateForate: With aperatures or openings.
d, segments spreading, laminaLamina: Leaf blade.
seldom exceeding 50 cm in length; plants lacking net-like fibres at the apicesApices: Plural of apex. End forming a point.
of adherent shoots; (Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam?, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines, Maluku) .. 📌3. Amydrium medium