Key to Adult Flowering Rhaphidophora in the Philippine Islands

Base on Boyce, 2000

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1A. Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade. variously pinnatePinnate: Pinnate Venation. ly divided and perforateForate: With aperatures or openings. d. Stem apicesApices: Plural of apex. End forming a point. with copious netted fibres. Juvenile plant shingling .. .. 📌6. Rhaphidophora korthalsii
1B. Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade. entire. Stem apicesApices: Plural of apex. End forming a point. without netted fibres. Juvenile plant .. not shingling .. 2
2A. AbaxialAbaxial: Facing away from the stem of a plant (especially denoting the lower surface of a leaf). surface of laminaLamina: Leaf blade. and apicalApical: Of, relating to, or denoting an apex. geniculum minutely pubescentPubescent: With a hairy surface. .. 📌11. Rhaphidophora todayensis
2B. LaminaLamina: Leaf blade. and apicalApical: Of, relating to, or denoting an apex. geniculum glabrousGlabrous: Smooth. Free from hair or down. .. 3
3A. Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade. stiftly coriaceousCoriaceous: Resembling or having the texture of leather. .. 4
4A. Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade. falcateFalcate: Curved like a sickle; hooked. to lalcate-oblongOblong: . stiffly coriaceousCoriaceous: Resembling or having the texture of leather. . (Palawan) .. 📌3. Rhaphidophora conocephala
4B. Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade. oblongOblong: to ovateOvate: -oblongOblong: or ovateOvate: , never falcateFalcate: Curved like a sickle; hooked. . variously thick-textured .. 5
5A. Flowering shoots free .. 📌10. Rhaphidophora philippinensis
5B. Flowering shoots clinging .. 6
6A. PetiolePetiole: Leaf stem. 5-11 cm; leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade. oblongOblong: to oblongOblong: -lanceolateLanceolate: . up to 23 x 8 cm. Entire plant drying dark hrown. PedunclePeduncle: Flower stem. 7-26 x 0.3-0.6cm: spatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. falling (at female receptivity ?) .. 📌1. Rhaphidophora acuminata
6B. PetiolePetiole: Leaf stem. 30-108 cm; leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade. ovateOvate: to ovateOvate: -oblongOblong: , up to 80 x 41 cm. Entire plant drying pale yellow-brown. PedunclePeduncle: Flower stem. 30-117 x 1.5-2cm. SpatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. persistentPersistent: Remaining attached to the plant beyond the usual time of falling. though to maturation of fruit .. 📌8. Rhaphidophora monticola
3B. Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade. thinly coriaceousCoriaceous: Resembling or having the texture of leather. or chartaceous .. 7
7A. Flowering shoots clinging .. 8
8A. Primary lateral veinVein: Venation types: A. midrib; B. primary lateral veins; C. interprimaray veins; D. secondary veins; E. collective veins; F. tertiary veins; G. basal ribs; H. basal veins. s on the abaxialAbaxial: Facing away from the stem of a plant (especially denoting the lower surface of a leaf). leaf surface significantly more visible than interprimaries and never less than 5 mm apart. SpatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. persistentPersistent: Remaining attached to the plant beyond the usual time of falling. during fruit development. eventually rotting away. SpadixSpadix: A spike of minute flowers closely arranged around a fleshy axis and typically enclosed in a spathe. 14-17 cm long .. 📌5. Rhaphidophora elmeri
8B. Primary lateral veinVein: Venation types: A. midrib; B. primary lateral veins; C. interprimaray veins; D. secondary veins; E. collective veins; F. tertiary veins; G. basal ribs; H. basal veins. s on the abaxialAbaxial: Facing away from the stem of a plant (especially denoting the lower surface of a leaf). leaf surface +/- indistinguishable from interprimiaries, hence with the appearance of being less than 2mm apart. SpadixSpadix: A spike of minute flowers closely arranged around a fleshy axis and typically enclosed in a spathe. 10-12 cm long. SpatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. shed during anthesisAnthesis: The period during which pollen is presented and/or the stigma is receptive. .. 📌9. Rhaphidophora perkinsiae
7B. Flowering shoots free .. 9
9A. SpadixSpadix: A spike of minute flowers closely arranged around a fleshy axis and typically enclosed in a spathe. more than 10 cm long ( 10-13 x 1-2cm). Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade. falcateFalcate: Curved like a sickle; hooked. -lanceolateLanceolate: to falcateFalcate: Curved like a sickle; hooked. oblongOblong: , up to 32.5 x 7 cm .. 📌2. Rhaphidophora hanosensis
9B. SpadixSpadix: A spike of minute flowers closely arranged around a fleshy axis and typically enclosed in a spathe. no more than 7 cm long. Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade. ovateOvate: to falcateFalcate: Curved like a sickle; hooked. -ellipticElliptic: . up to 16 x 3 cm .. 10
10A. Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade. non-falcateFalcate: Curved like a sickle; hooked. . 5.5-16 x 2-5 cm. thinly coriaceousCoriaceous: Resembling or having the texture of leather. with veinVein: Venation types: A. midrib; B. primary lateral veins; C. interprimaray veins; D. secondary veins; E. collective veins; F. tertiary veins; G. basal ribs; H. basal veins. s not particularly prominent. Leaves drying strongly discolorous. dark above. pale below .. 📌4. Rhaphidophora cretosa
10B. Leaf laminaLamina: Leaf blade. falcateFalcate: Curved like a sickle; hooked. . 2.5- 16 x 1.2-3 cm. thinly coriaceousCoriaceous: Resembling or having the texture of leather. to chartaceous with veinVein: Venation types: A. midrib; B. primary lateral veins; C. interprimaray veins; D. secondary veins; E. collective veins; F. tertiary veins; G. basal ribs; H. basal veins. s prominent. Leaves drying pale strawcoloured .. 📌7. Rhaphidophora minor

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