Key to Sauromatum Species

Based on Cusimano, Barrett, Hetterscheid & Renner, "A phylogeny of the Areae (Araceae) implies that Typhonium, Sauromatum, and the Australian species of Typhonium are distinct clades", TAXON 59(2), 439-447

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1A. Two types of staminodeStaminode: A sterile or abortive stamen, frequently resembling a stamen without its anther. s, upper clearly of different shape or reduced compared to the lower ones .. 2
2A. SpatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. tube fused; 3-5 bulbils in the lower part of the petiolePetiole: Leaf stem. .. 📌Sauromatum gaoligongense
2B. SpatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. tube convoluteConvolute: The process of convolute vernation involves the wrapping of one margin of the leaf's blade over the other. This folding mechanism makes the emerging leaf look like a tube. .. 3
3A. Lower staminodeStaminode: A sterile or abortive stamen, frequently resembling a stamen without its anther. s clearly clavateClavate: Club-shaped; thicker at the apex than at the base. .. 4
4A. Leaves simple, ovateOvate: , cordateCordate: to hastateHastate: ; upper staminodeStaminode: A sterile or abortive stamen, frequently resembling a stamen without its anther. s smaller than the lower ones, subulate or occasionally ab- sent .. 📌Sauromatum giganteum
4B. Leaves pedatisect; upper staminodeStaminode: A sterile or abortive stamen, frequently resembling a stamen without its anther. s filiform, gradually shorter towards the male zone .. 📌Sauromatum horsfieldii
3B. Lower staminodeStaminode: A sterile or abortive stamen, frequently resembling a stamen without its anther. s clavateClavate: Club-shaped; thicker at the apex than at the base. /spathulate, clavateClavate: Club-shaped; thicker at the apex than at the base. part anvil shaped or dorso-ventrally flattened, dark purple; upper staminodeStaminode: A sterile or abortive stamen, frequently resembling a stamen without its anther. s narrowly spindle shaped, whitish .. .. 📌Sauromatum tentaculatum
1B. Only one type of staminodeStaminode: A sterile or abortive stamen, frequently resembling a stamen without its anther. s, upper sterile part longitudi- nally grooved and roughened with projections or processes, or naked .. 5
5A. SpatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. tube free; leaf blade simple and ovateOvate: -lanceolateLanceolate: , cuneateCuneate: to hastateHastate: 3-5-lobed or 5-9-foliolate pedatisect; upper sterile part of the spadixSpadix: A spike of minute flowers closely arranged around a fleshy axis and typically enclosed in a spathe. naked or with apiculate projections .. 📌Sauromatum diversifolium
5B. SpatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. tube fused, at least basalBasal: Forming or belonging to a bottom layer or base. part .. 6
6A. PetiolePetiole: Leaf stem. and leaf blade with hairs; upper sterile part of the spadixSpadix: A spike of minute flowers closely arranged around a fleshy axis and typically enclosed in a spathe. axis completely naked .. 7
7A. Hairs distinct and long; also outside surface of spatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. cov- ered with hairs .. 📌Sauromatum hirsutum
7B. Hairs short (ca 0.5 mm); outside surface of spatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. smooth .. 📌Sauromatum brevipilosum
6B. PetiolePetiole: Leaf stem. and leaf blade without hairs, upper sterile part of the spadixSpadix: A spike of minute flowers closely arranged around a fleshy axis and typically enclosed in a spathe. axis rough, shaggy or with minute processes (highly reduced staminodeStaminode: A sterile or abortive stamen, frequently resembling a stamen without its anther. s) .. 8
8A. Leaflets oblongOblong: -lanceolateLanceolate: , apexApex: End forming a point. acuminateAcuminate: Tapering to a point. ; inflorescence up to 40 cm long; spatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. tube dark purple inside, spatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. blade inside maculate .. 📌Sauromatum venosum
8B. Leaflets linearLinear: -lanceolateLanceolate: , apexApex: End forming a point. long acuminateAcuminate: Tapering to a point. ; lower clavateClavate: Club-shaped; thicker at the apex than at the base. staminodeStaminode: A sterile or abortive stamen, frequently resembling a stamen without its anther. s white, upper minute processes purple; inflorescence max. 7.5 cm long; spatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. tube inside green- ish to white, spatheSpathe: A large sheathing bract enclosing the flower cluster. blade inside not maculate, dull purple basalBasal: Forming or belonging to a bottom layer or base. ly and pink above .. 📌Sauromatum brevipes

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